Friday, June 1, 2007

Heading Back to Nicaragua!

It is official! I will definitely be going back to Nicaragua at least one time in the next year to help lead church building teams! From our church alone (Main Street Baptist in Oneonta, NY), we will send two teams... first a college/young adult team leaving December 26th and the second, open to anyone leaving February 14th. It is exciting to see how involved our smaller congregation is to the concept of traveling internationally to build not only buildings but relationships with brothers and sisters in Christ!

Our first team meeting will be Monday June 11th at Main Street Baptist - I am looking forward to seeing who will be part of the next building projects. It is fun to experience the excitement of the early stages of the team building process - but nothing compares to the actual on site experience in Nicaragua!

My goal is in 3-4 months to be finished the application and approval process for the field ministry position with Partnership Ministries, the short term missions "department" of Missions to the Americas. Then, I can begin the support seeking stage, then the mobilization stage will follow shortly after that! I also hope to begin language education... maybe starting here with Rosetta Stone on CD, then into an immersion program of learning and living in Central America.

My passion is to introduce as many people to the myriad of ways that God can use our ordinary talents to serve Him. If this concept interests you, let's talk!