Monday, February 9, 2009

Here we go - Back to Bluefields!!

The team met for the last time on Sunday - bags are packed and questions (most of them!) answered - all are ready to go - on Thursday, we are heading southwest to Bluefields, Nicaragua.

This cold weather sure has made it more desirable to be in warm Bluefields! The other day, there was a 98 degree difference between Oneonta's low and the afternoon temperature in Nicaragua (-10 here and 88 there!)

We will be building a church for a new congregation that has been worshipping in a storefront near the central park in town - the name is El Buen Samaritano. It is a church that was planted by the church we have worked on for the past two years. Praise God for His mighty works in Bluefields! It is awesome to be part of such a dynamic ministry!

Stay tuned for more updates from the team - we thank all who have supported the team financially as well as our faithful prayer partners!

The reason why we do this...

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