Thursday, January 18, 2007

Silent Auction & Concert a Great Success!

What a treat we experienced! The evening was filled with wonderful music from a variety of Broadway shows... man, our town has some real talent! What a blessing to experience the talent while raising funds to help build church buildings in Nicaragua.

Just want to thank you...

To the performers... from the many wonderful singers to Jonathan Sastic who provided accompaniment to the entire evening.

Special thanks to Ron Leuttger and all who helped behind the scenes in the sound booth and lighting!

To the folks that helped set up, clean up and promote the event, especially Julie Shea.

For those who donated goods and services, we thank you too!

We raised over $ 1,700.00 and still have a couple items and services that could be "sold" so for the first year, we are very pleased - look for similar events in the future which will support upcoming short term missions trips! So, if you have an idea to couple with next year's silent auction, let us know... we are also looking for more donations!

Praise God!

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