Saturday, January 20, 2007

Weather Comparison - Nicaragua vs. Oneonta

We have been spoiled by a mild (so far) winter... these first blasts of cold and snow should be commonplace by now but it seems very cold, doesn't it? The cross country skier in me wants to see more snow! We could have 2 more months of this but you know that Spring is coming - I noticed the longer daylight hours this week - that is awesome!

For Nicaragua, we have a different scenario... in Bluefields, we will be close to the coast keeping it pretty constant throughout the year... will be in the 80's most of the time...I can hear the sighs of relief already! Remember to bring the sunscreen and aloe if you burn! Wide brimmed hats help, too! Long sleeved t-shirts are good sunblock! We will expereince similar weather on our free time in Granada

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