Tuesday, April 17, 2007

SAVE THE DATE - April 22, 2007

SAVE THE DATE - April 22, 2007

We have a special presentation scheduled for this coming weekend - Back to Bluefields, a Retrospective on Sunday April 22nd at The Crossing worship service at Main Street Baptist Church, 333 Main Street, Oneonta, NY from 6-8:00 PM. There will be videos and stories from team members as well as a praise and worship service. Invite your friends and family to share our experiences!

Speaking of heading back... we are going...


We now have a total of 7 folks - with 5 "veterans" from the February trip! Final travel arrangements are complete so now we can focus on bonding as a team. We will use email and maybe even Skype to conference all of us together to share our pre-trip experiences. The outpouring of love and support from those who previously went in February and are unable to make this return trip has been amazing. Our February trip's reunion meeting on March 30th at the Z's home in Oneonta just re-ignited our passion for the people in Bluefields - but we were also challenged to be the light in our own towns and villages where we live!

Six of us will leave from Albany, NY on April 26th and we will meet up with Greg from Tulsa in Atlanta. Cherith will be postponing her horse camp ministry until she gets home, so she will not travel from Bend, Oregon! Once we arrive in Managua, we will head east through Nicaragua - first by bus to El Rama, then by boat down the Escondido River to Bluefields.

We will meet up with 5-6 American volunteers from other parts of Central America and as many as 10-15 Nicaraguans to forge ahead with the project we started in February. The latest report from Mike Najjar is that e will finish the part of the building where Pastor William will live as well as maybe finish the roof on the Sanctuary - awesome!

The trip will last until Saturday May 5th... we look forward to our return to Bluefields and seeing the villagers we left just over 2 months ago!

To glorify God, of course!

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