Thursday, April 26, 2007

And We're Off!

Hard to believe that is has been almost 2 months since we returned from Bluefields... and it is now our departure day! This trip will be unique from our recent trip in February - instead of 44 members which was combination of teens and adults, we now have 7 members - with only one young adult! There will be more Nicaraguans there than North Americans... this is a good thing as the building project is not ours... it belongs to God and the people of Bluefields!
We departed from Main Street Baptist in Oneonta at 3:15 AM to catch a 6:00 AM flight to Atlanta where we will meet up with Greg from Tulsa... we then will fly to Managua, here we will be have a 9 hour layover before we board a bus to El Rama, then have three hours to wait for our Escondido river journey to Bluefields, where we will arrive sometime Friday morning.

Our February Nicaragua trip's retrospective service Sunday night was well attended and I believe our stories and photo and video presentations were a blessing to many who attended. I pray that God continues to move in all our hearts to to encourage us to step outside our comfort zones as we examine how God can use what is left of our lives. From young children to teens to senior citizens, He has a plan... we just have to tap into it!

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