Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Snow, Sleet, Freezing Rain - We Made It!

Sorry for the post trip reporting - the Internet access was not great plus our days were very busy with work on-site, team building and well deserved sleep! Here is an account of our departure... enjoy!
Wednesday evening, February 14th - 30" of snow, closed interstates, planes, trains, buses and speed boats... gotta love how God provided safe travel for us from Oneonta to Bluefields Nicaragua!

The reports of the snowstorm of the decade began to roll in... the morning was pretty tame... school was called off and as the day progressed, that decision proved to be a real smart one! Lee Ann and I went our cross country skiing, as we have been snow deprived for much of the winter until this point. It was snowing very hard in the late morning... some reports were as high as 4" an hour! I brought my cell phone with me in case there were any updates about our departure and Steve Reed from Partnership Ministries called me... he said "are you folks going to be able to make it out?" I stopped and looked over Riddell State Park and said, "Steve, it is really snowing hard... this is going be a great adventure!" Little did we all know how much of an adventure it was really going to be!

During the day, we stayed in touch with Delta Airlines and our WONDERFUL travel agent, Beth Greenhill of Mission Trip Airfare in Roswell, GA ( Cannot say anything but praises for her abilities and attention to details as we ventured south to Philadelphia for our flight to Nicaragua. Delta Airlines was saying all along, "as long as the airport is open, it is the responsibility of the passengers to make it to their flights"... so, we were determined to make our way regardless of the conditions... if God could lead the Israelites out of bondage, a trip to Philly would be a walk in the park! Beth kept in touch all night long with us and Delta and the Philadelphia Airport… if you are traveling with a group of 10 or more… give Beth a call – you will not be disappointed!

We emailed the team to make it to Oneonta by 9:00 PM as we wanted to leave as early as possible to make our 6:00 Am flight on Thursday. If we tried to leave any earlier, it would have been impossible... the snow was piling up so fast that many roads including the interstates were open only to emergency vehicles... many towns and county roads were closed. Our team of 44 was able to assemble - even though some came from as far as Lansing and Cobleskill! So, at 9:15, we headed south for our trek to Nicaragua! The ride in NY state was uneventful… the NY highway teams are top notch – smooth sailing for us… that was until we got into PA – the roads were less maintained… the passing lane was full of ice and snow for most of the way. Our biggest obstacle was in I-81… the road was closed at Scranton and we got caught in it. Stopped like a parking lot and the time was ticking away… it looked very bleak for us as we prayed and pondered how we could ever make it in time… it was approaching 2:00 AM and we needed to get to Philly by 4:00… would be a piece of cake on a dry day, but this day was different.

We passed Clarks Summit and the intersection of I-380/84 and the we were faced with a stand still traffic back up. As far as the eye could see, there was a parking lot of mostly trucks, with their parking lights on, stopped for who knew how long – reports from other drivers were that the road would not open up until 6:00 AM. After we got back from our trip, we heard that the mess wasn’t fully cleared until the following Saturday… but God proved His ability to tuned what looked impossible to be possible! Two of our team bundled up, left the bus and began to tap on windows of surrounding trucks… very long story short is that the trucks began to move back and forth to allow us enough room to snake through the sea of parked buses. Oh, yeah, did I mention it was COLD… at this time, it was in the single digits with 20-30 mph winds!

Time for more kudos… our driver, Dirk Gantvoort is truly a gift from God… all that know him know that he wanted to be on this trip… it was bittersweet enough for him to offer his services and leave us. His driving abilities and the fact he stay awake and alert to deliver us safely was something I will never forget.
Special thanks, too to Three Springs Ministries of Morris, PA ( for allowing us the use of their bus to transport our team in one vehicle… we had figured it would have take 15+ minivans to transport 44 of us and the 70+ pieces of baggage… could you imagine that armada getting stuck in that mess!

Once we bobbed and weaved through the traffic to get off an exit, we managed to get back on I-81 North to Clarks Summit… however, most of the exits northbound were completely snowplowed closed… we could not exit until about 15 miles north to u-turn and head south again. Once on I-476 south, the travel turned somewhat routine to our fearless driver, Dirkules. All along Beth Greenhill gave me updates via cell phone… she also alerted Delta that in fact were in transit… might make it by 5:30 if we were lucky… she said “do what you can, I will keep in touch”… we made great time from there – the snowstorm headed from south the northeast, so below the tunnel below Jim Thorpe, it was much easier to cruise down the highway. By the grace of God, we made it into Philadelphia Airport at 4:45… 45 minutes before the cutoff to ensure a timely departure… that would be simple for a single passenger… we now had to process 44 team members and the baggage… special thanks to the Delta crew that received us… I ma sure we stressed the system pretty well. We cleared security without any issues and we were on our way.

The flight from Philly to Atlanta was a smooth one… that is until we began our descent into the Atlanta Airport… just about a few hundred feet from touch down, the plane abruptly pulled up and we aborted our landing… once we corrected ourselves and banked hard to circle around for a second attempt, the pilot came over the PA and announced “that’s what happens when someone is in your runway!”… so, God wasn't finished with our team yet – He had plans for us… and He was going to deliver us to Bluefields! Because of this little “sky dance”, our connection went from rushed to “vamos… we gotta go!” We made it for our final jet leg to Managua… a collective sigh of relief from all of us as we sat back one more time and anticipated the end of this long journey.

We arrived in Managua, greeted by our hermanos and hermanas Rigo, Claudia, Mike, Lesly, Eric, Gloria, Carla, Marta and Yolanda… then boarded another bus – destination El Rama, about 4-1/2 hours east southeast through spectacular Nicaraguan Landscapes to where the road ends… and a well deserved rest stop and 5 hours sleep – at 6:00 AM Friday, we had to be at the docks along the Escondido River for a 1-1/2 hour boat ride to Bluefields.
That was just the first 24 hours of a 12 day trip… stay tuned for another report from the work site in Bluefields! We want to thank all of our prayer and financial partners... without your faithful support, this trip might not have had the impact it did... we carried your prayers with us and I believe it sustained us through many obstacles.

Only in God is our soul at rest... Amen!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Bendicidos Hermanos y Hermanas

Bendicidos Hermanos y Hermanas

Sorry it has taken me so long to get online... I had trouble connecting and taking the time to get to a computer. A single story would do injustice to the whole experience, but I will give you one that I feel really spoke to my heart.

One day, after breakfast, I was overlooking the work site and into the Escondido River basin. It is an awesome site for a church! Rigoberto came over to me and put his hand on my shoulders. He said to me It is beautiful isn´t it? Can anyone who is here not believe that this is not the work of God?¨ His vision to evangelize Nicaragua is so huge... he sees this church as a community center... a training center... possibly an outlet for some sort of commerce to support the church. But Rigo´s vision is for the entire nation of Nicaragua... it is humbling to be in his presence.

Then, the pastor of this new church, William came over and we shared as much as we could in my broken Spanish. He said to Rigo... ës mas pequeño¨... meaning it is too small... Rigo said ¨no mas pequeño¨... the church can hold 200 people... William dreams of a church of 1,000! I am in awe of the faith in the people we have met. Their dependence on God is inspiring!

Stay tuned for more updates... right now, I cannot upload photos, but I will once I get home. Thanks for your prayers along the way. I did mention a prayer request in an email today - we are installing a large roof truss Friday - it will take engineering and manpower... please pray that we can get this accomplished without any issues.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Snow, Sleet, Freezing Rain - We Are Still Going!

The full team will be assembled at the "Big House" in Oneonta tonight at 10:00. It has been snowing like crazy in upstate New York but we have a skillful driver, Dirkules from Three Springs Ministries - many thanks to Steve Occhino and the rest of the Three Springs staff and Board of Directors for allowing us to be transported together in one vehicle!

Please pray for us as we travel - we have quite a combination of modes of transportation along the way... bus to Philly Airport, plane to Atlanta then Managua, bus to Rama, the boat to the final destination, Bluefields. We will arrive in Bluefields sometime Friday AM... stay tuned!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Juntos Para El Señor

Our trip’s theme is Juntos Para El Señor, which translated means "Together for God".

Ecclesiastes 4:12 states "Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." As we "intertwine" with God and the national church in Nicaragua, we are part of a wonderful thing that neither we or the nationals could do alone. We have been working side by side with Partnership Ministries in Central America since 1998. Their philosophy of encouraging, enabling and allowing nationals to lead and direct work projects has produced much fruit. We may have technological and other advantages over the local Nicaraguan, Guatemalan or Honduran, but we lack the ability to be truly effective because we are not part of their culture.

Many mainstream churches have constructed numerous church buildings in the Third World that are now abandoned or poorly utilized because they lacked the grassroots participation of the local clergy and people. The church is much more than a building - what a concept, eh? By partnering with national leadership and organizations, we can bring together the best of both our worlds. North America churches surely have the financial resources desperately needed in the Third World, but if the church is to survive, it needs to have a solid foundation of national leaders.

My first trip to Central America in 2002 told me quite a bit about my faith in God - that I had a tendency to be more self reliant than I ought to be. The spreading of the Gospel of Jesus in Central America far exceeds what we see in our towns and cities in the United States. The brothers and sisters in Christ I have met demonstrated to me that faith in God is real and daily apparent - that their existence is truly a direct result of the Grace of God. Grace is a concept that is truly woven into the hearts of the believers in both the churches we visited - Altos de Santa Maria and Llanos de Santa Maria.

The Christian love we will experience in the Third World churches far surpasses anything our church can muster... its purity and genuineness is quite unique. Oh, sure we prepare meals for the housebound, ill and the mourning, but that is a result of an event. These Third World churches do this daily - they may not have what we have (wealth & material possessions), but they share it all the time! Maybe we could learn from our brothers and sisters in Christ!

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Reflection Questions

As we approach our departure, let us reflect on how God can use us to glorify Him while we are in Nicaragua.

What can I learn about myself?

What can I learn about God?

What can I learn about the people of God, about the church, about community?

What can I learn about how culture affects the way we live and understand the Gospel?

What can I learn about justice, economics, poverty and politics?

What can I learn about discipleship?

What can I learn about a globally appropriate lifestyle?

What can I learn about my own vocation?

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Packing, Malaria Meds & Pizza!

¡Muy Importante!

We have a very important meeting coming up next Sunday, February 11th... right after the 2nd service at the Big House... we are also asked to be present at all three services (9:00, 10:30 and 6:00) for prayer and commissioning - please try to be present for as many as you can.

At the meeting next Sunday, we want to accomplish the following...

PACKING - Everyone must come completely packed - both your larger check in baggage as well as your carry-on to ensure we are fully utilizing the legal weight restrictions and to make sure you are not forgetting something... please refer to the guidelines in this blog (“Packing Do’s and Don’ts” and “3-1-1 for Carry-On Packing”) for packing restrictions - especially liquids in your carry-on luggage! Those who have extra duffel bags or large luggage with wheels, please bring them as we may use them for VBS, tools and other miscellaneous items we need to transport to Bluefields.

MALARIA MEDS - Everyone must begin their regimen of malaria medication on Sunday - it is very important that you follow the strict timing of the dosages - if you cannot make the meeting on Sunday, you MUST contact Dave O'Brien so he can make sure you begin the meds... this is not a request - it is an order! No kidding... according to Doctors without Borders, over 2 million people die from malaria in Africa - EVERY YEAR! You do not want to be one of those statistics, believe me! We will be talking these meds before, during and after the tip to ensure full coverage - please pay attention to this!

PIZZA - hopefully, the commonly used phrase, "feed them and they will come" will help get everyone there on Sunday... what is a team meeting without pizza? We also need to focus on team unity - sit with someone you do not know so well and get to know them better!

We have a wonderful team - the talents and gifts that we collectively possess will truly glorify God if we use them in His name! This is going to be an exciting opportunity for all of us!