Thursday, February 22, 2007

Bendicidos Hermanos y Hermanas

Bendicidos Hermanos y Hermanas

Sorry it has taken me so long to get online... I had trouble connecting and taking the time to get to a computer. A single story would do injustice to the whole experience, but I will give you one that I feel really spoke to my heart.

One day, after breakfast, I was overlooking the work site and into the Escondido River basin. It is an awesome site for a church! Rigoberto came over to me and put his hand on my shoulders. He said to me It is beautiful isn´t it? Can anyone who is here not believe that this is not the work of God?¨ His vision to evangelize Nicaragua is so huge... he sees this church as a community center... a training center... possibly an outlet for some sort of commerce to support the church. But Rigo´s vision is for the entire nation of Nicaragua... it is humbling to be in his presence.

Then, the pastor of this new church, William came over and we shared as much as we could in my broken Spanish. He said to Rigo... ës mas pequeño¨... meaning it is too small... Rigo said ¨no mas pequeño¨... the church can hold 200 people... William dreams of a church of 1,000! I am in awe of the faith in the people we have met. Their dependence on God is inspiring!

Stay tuned for more updates... right now, I cannot upload photos, but I will once I get home. Thanks for your prayers along the way. I did mention a prayer request in an email today - we are installing a large roof truss Friday - it will take engineering and manpower... please pray that we can get this accomplished without any issues.

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