Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Snow, Sleet, Freezing Rain - We Are Still Going!

The full team will be assembled at the "Big House" in Oneonta tonight at 10:00. It has been snowing like crazy in upstate New York but we have a skillful driver, Dirkules from Three Springs Ministries - many thanks to Steve Occhino and the rest of the Three Springs staff and Board of Directors for allowing us to be transported together in one vehicle!

Please pray for us as we travel - we have quite a combination of modes of transportation along the way... bus to Philly Airport, plane to Atlanta then Managua, bus to Rama, the boat to the final destination, Bluefields. We will arrive in Bluefields sometime Friday AM... stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

I miss you Tara!

Unknown said...

Hope your travels were on time and not too disrupted. We've been praying for you since you left Oneonta but only know that you got as far as Philly but no news is good news. Have a wonderful time and we will be thinking of all of you (especially our Kylie), Safe travels. Love to all
Lyn & Frank Triola