Saturday, February 3, 2007

Packing, Malaria Meds & Pizza!

¡Muy Importante!

We have a very important meeting coming up next Sunday, February 11th... right after the 2nd service at the Big House... we are also asked to be present at all three services (9:00, 10:30 and 6:00) for prayer and commissioning - please try to be present for as many as you can.

At the meeting next Sunday, we want to accomplish the following...

PACKING - Everyone must come completely packed - both your larger check in baggage as well as your carry-on to ensure we are fully utilizing the legal weight restrictions and to make sure you are not forgetting something... please refer to the guidelines in this blog (“Packing Do’s and Don’ts” and “3-1-1 for Carry-On Packing”) for packing restrictions - especially liquids in your carry-on luggage! Those who have extra duffel bags or large luggage with wheels, please bring them as we may use them for VBS, tools and other miscellaneous items we need to transport to Bluefields.

MALARIA MEDS - Everyone must begin their regimen of malaria medication on Sunday - it is very important that you follow the strict timing of the dosages - if you cannot make the meeting on Sunday, you MUST contact Dave O'Brien so he can make sure you begin the meds... this is not a request - it is an order! No kidding... according to Doctors without Borders, over 2 million people die from malaria in Africa - EVERY YEAR! You do not want to be one of those statistics, believe me! We will be talking these meds before, during and after the tip to ensure full coverage - please pay attention to this!

PIZZA - hopefully, the commonly used phrase, "feed them and they will come" will help get everyone there on Sunday... what is a team meeting without pizza? We also need to focus on team unity - sit with someone you do not know so well and get to know them better!

We have a wonderful team - the talents and gifts that we collectively possess will truly glorify God if we use them in His name! This is going to be an exciting opportunity for all of us!

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