Monday, March 12, 2007

Actions Steps - Now What Are We Going to Do?

Individually and collectively, we must now begin to process how God will use this experience to glorify Himself. We have been blessed by our team preparations, the journey itself and also by the daily interaction with the people of Bluefields.

We all have our own story to tell... how we were affected by the trip... I pray that we continue to have the opportunities now and and in the future to share with others hat we have learned.

I also pray that God continues to influence our daily thoughts and deeds to conform our ways with His.

Maybe a little review would be good for all of us... from my February 6th entry...

What DID I learn about myself?

What DID I learn about God?

What DID I learn about the people of God, about the church, about community?

What DID I learn about how culture affects the way we live and understand the Gospel?

What DID I learn about justice, economics, poverty and politics?

What DID I learn about discipleship?

What DID I learn about a globally appropriate lifestyle?

What DID I learn about my own vocation?

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