Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Supply Pipeline for Non-Profits

At a recent Red Cross Blood Drive in town, I met up with Pastor John Grenier from the Oneonta Assembly of God... our kids swam on the YMCA swim team years ago, so we caught up on how things were with both of our families - kids grow up... amazing how time flies! Anyway, I mentioned our trip to Nicaragua... the ministry going on there... the construction project and the sewing "industry" that was started amongst the women of the churches. John asked me "do you folks need any sewing machines?"... I said, plainly, "yes, we do!". Long story short, his church donated three brand new sewing machines for me to take with me in April! Is this awesome or what!?!?

The organization that donated the sewing machines offers a variety of goods to non-profit organizations is called NAEIR.

This week, we will be receiving member information about how we can tap into this resource - there is a one time lifetime membership fee - they offer all sorts of goods that can be bought for minimal shipping charges! From socks and garments to air compressors and nail guns to construction materials... take a look for yourself! If you need things, they are the source... if your organization or company has over stocks, they can offer a distribution pipeline to unload this product PLUS receive a tax deduction... it is a win-win!
NAEIR Headquarters pertinent information...
560 McClure Street
Galesburg, IL 61401
Website - http://www.naeir.org/
Phone: 800-562-0955
DONOR FAX: 309-343-0862
MEMBER FAX: 309-343-3519
This is not a pyramid... and I do
not benefit one iota from your participation!

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