Sunday, March 11, 2007

Bluefields SubZero is Calling Us!

Acts 1:18 gives a simple instruction...

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

Well, we have a chance to do just that. Hermano Dave Leahy has challenged us to offer the same enthusiasm and energy we freely offered in Bluefields to the Doring family just outside of Treadwell. The day we left brought the snowstorm of the decade... we all remember the harrowing travel adventure we had... this family was devastated by this storm... their main dairy barn was destroyed and many of their cows were killed. They need our help, so Hermano Dave who is their veterinarian, has asked if we have time rally and lend a hand to our neighbors! Next Saturday will be the biggest day to help - be prepared for rubble removal and dress for the cold! Maybe we can get a line like the "Bucket Brigade" to move out the mess.

This morning it was -10, just about 100 degree difference from Bluefields... this and next weekend will be better, but bundle up anyway!

Interested? Can you give a couple hours? Give Dave a call! May God Bless your efforts to lend a helping hand to this neighbor in need!

Short and sweet... the need is there... no airfare required... no malaria medication... no amoebas... and when you are done a warm shower awaits and you can be home sleeping with your favorite pillow!

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